Website design can sometimes be confusing. We have answered many of the questions that we often get from churches below. If you still have a question about our services, we would love to talk with you in person and get your question answered. Just call 1-800-827-5167. We are here for you!

Your job is to provide us with pictures, logos, copy and ideas of how you would like your church website to look. We make this as easy as possible for you and do all of the hard work by adding all of the content to your site! We know the right questions to ask to get the information you need. Just some phone conversation and some emails back and forth are enough for us to get your site completed.

You can be involved in your church website design every step of the way. After our initial phone conversation with you, we will put together your website according to the pictures, colors, logo, menu items and features that you purchase. Once we have that complete, you get to take a look at it and give us some feedback so that we can create a custom website that is perfect for you and your church.

No. You do not have to use all of the features that are included in your website design package. In some instances, you may even swap some features that you are not using for features that you would like from a different website package. Or, you could add those features that you do not currently want to use at a later date.

Yes. You can add additional features to your website package. Each of the features has it’s own individual cost. You can discuss with your Kingdom web professional how you can switch out some features for others.

Generally, once we have all of your content to begin the home page, we like to be able to take 3 weeks to create the home page and menu items and get the site set up for you. Often times, we can complete this quicker. The biggest thing that slows a site development down is not getting information from the church. As soon as you get information to us, we can start working on it.

After we complete you site, you will be able to take over and make changes to your site whenever and wherever you want to. You are free to make as many changes as you would like to your site at that time.

The Content Management System that we use is quite simple to use. But just like any new software, it will require some training. We have provided online video tutorials that will walk you through the basics of changing your site. We are also available to answer any questions that you might have to get you trained at being your very own web master.

There is a monthly hosting fee. This hosting fee covers the cost of hosting and maintaining your site.

You do not have to know any coding whatsoever to maintain your website after we create it for you. We’ll do the behind the scenes work, and you change the content by using a Content Management System that looks much like a standard word processing program.

You can start off with a smaller package and then grow your site to a larger package. Many churches have decided to do this. When it is time to increase the size of your site, you will simply pay the difference between the package you have and the package that you are moving to. Or, use some of our awesome tutorials to grow your site yourself!

We create sites and host them on our own server. You cannot host a Kingdom designed site on a different server once it is created.

Our tutorials and training are pretty awesome but if you still have questions, please feel free to contact us by email or by phone and we would be more than happy to train you how to make changes to your site. We’re here for you at web.team@kingdom.com or 1-800-827-5167

Yes! You can purchase your domain name through Kingdom. This is often the easiest way to go about it. We can help you choose your own domain name, a domain name that will help get you the most traffic to your site. Your domain name is included in your website package purchase!

Many times, a church will already have a domain name. At that point, you will need to contact your registrar and hosting provider to transfer the domain name to our servers. The process is simple, and we can help you every step of the way.

Many times, churches already have websites. They have the content on their current website that they want but the site does not look like they want it. At that point, we can create an entirely new site for you and take the content from the old site and move it over to a new one!

If you would like to know more

Email us at web.team@Kingdom.com



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